FREE 42 Classic Guitar Riffs Tab Book.

Another Nail In My Heart. Quick Riff

Billy Jean Guitar Riff

Pickup ‘n’ Play:

In this weekly series of videos I want to share with you some awe-inspiring, non time-consuming riffs, melodic exercises and quirky takes on famous guitar parts, that will make you want to pick your guitar, cement your skills, and increase your thirst and desire to learn more!

Another Nail In My Heart (Squeeze)

End Keyboard Line

This uses descending set of melodic notes in the E major scale and designed to discipline you to playing them in the correct order – on the recording, it’s not even played on the guitar!

It is relatively fast, so ideal to start slowly and gradually build up your speed and accuracy over, say a week period, simply by picking up your guitar in short convenient-time bursts of, say, two minutes at a time. So, including the “teach”, challenge yourself to learn it and nail it within 20 minutes……whilst having fun doing it.

Another Nail In My Heart Tab

Another Nail In My Heart


Free Classic Riffs Tab Book

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Master 42 All-Time Classic Guitar Riffs, PLUS FREE VIDEO TUTORIALS.