FREE 42 Classic Guitar Riffs Tab Book.

Down In The Tube Station At Midnight. Guitar Riff


Down In The Tube Station At Midnight. Guitar Riff.

A bit off the wall, but Andy has wanted to teach this for years, even though it’s a bass line!

So, apart from having to play the lines one octave up, it will still sound great as you will use your fretting hand to stop the notes ringing out and incorporate Bruce Foxton’s trademark hammer-on that makes this bass line so distinctive.

As well as these techniques, once learnt, you can pick up someone else’s bass guitar, play this cool lick and then put it down again. Voila – you will have impressed someone and suddenly become a bass guitarist overnight. No need to tell anyone you’re not an accomplished bassist!

(NOTE: If you’re already an Academy member, you’ll find the link to this growing collection of Pickup’n’Play sessions, together with playing notes and Tab in your Members Dashboard.)

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Pickup ‘n’ Play:

In this weekly series of videos I want to share with you some awe-inspiring, non time-consuming riffs, melodic exercises and quirky takes on famous guitar parts, that will make you want to pick your guitar, cement your skills, and increase your thirst and desire to learn more!

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Master 42 All-Time Classic Guitar Riffs, PLUS FREE VIDEO TUTORIALS.