FREE 42 Classic Guitar Riffs Tab Book.

1.1 Introduction

Welcome to journey 1 where we’ll be looking to learn one of the most iconic songs ever; Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here. You’ll find a whole range of resources to set you off on the journey.

Specifically, in week 1 we will be looking at all the chords of the song in its entirety, playing them in the order and introducing some basic rhythms to set you on your way. This all about getting the basics in place. There will also be a practice of some varied chord sequences (using the chords in the song) with a metronome and, finally, some chords interspersed with some single note picking to get you prepared for week 2…..the intro.

Quick Tips
Listen to the full album version of the song, followed by acoustic live performances, as that will shape the way you want to play the song. It is important to play it correctly, but also stamp your own mark on it so that it doesn’t sound too “forced.” Also make sure you are familiar with the structure and timing of the chord changes and lead licks in the intro. In fact, even better if you are able to sing or hum the melodies the guitar plays in the intro!!! After that, you’ll be ready to start.


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