FREE 42 Classic Guitar Riffs Tab Book.

3.1 Introduction

Welcome to Week 3. Now as we progress through this Journey you shouldn’t feel pressured if you’re not getting the time to practice or if you feel you’re falling behind at all.

You can download this video if you wish using the link below:

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Although I’ve structured these journeys into 30 days, it doesn’t mean you have to stick to this timing.

If you feel you’re not ready to move onto week three just yet, then you should stick on Week 2 for a while longer. It’s really important that you are comfortable with each Week, or stage of the journey, before progressing on. You need to take it at your own pace in order to keep your motivation high. Remember – you will get there! Even if it takes longer than 30 days, it’s not a problem.

Quick Tips
Remember: If some of these lessons are too beginner level, or you want to progress further then do check out the Easy Blues or Easy Soloing Courses. Just click on the “Dashboard” link in the main menu.
Our goal is to provide you with the training, inspiration, motivation and confidence to become the guitarist you dream of becoming.

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