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Custom Guitars Hand Made By Alquier

The very modest French luthier Jean Yves Alquier “employed” some quality guitarists to demonstrate the versatility of his uniquely sounding custom guitars and, following a chance meeting outside the packed NAMM halls we popped in to see what he had to offer. And I think you will agree, these designs are something else.

Jean Yves designs and makes everything himself, not worried about profit and dominating the world but just wanting to show us the passion he has for crafting inventive and creating curvaceous designs with distinctive sounds that are loosely based on some of the classic Fender, Gibson and other major brand sounds, without ripping them off but keeping some key elements of the shape.

They are easy to play and the curve between your thumb and fore finger on the fretting hand seems to mould into the neck in a way that allows for a smooth transition and you slide up and down the neck.

The guitars are not created for anyone specific in mind, as Jean Yves believes the guitar will make the guitarist by inspiring them to be different, not just your common or garden rock god or acoustic finger picker.

As a result, it is difficult to label these axes to a genre or person and it is the intangible factor that keeps you thinking about what he has achieved.

The video will give you a better feel of all this, but we would like to mention the red “triptyque” and “Fastback 25.5” which summed up everything Jean Yves said.  They really are beautiful machines.


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