Following our noses to review some modern guitar designs that were, not necessarily outrageous, we stumbled across the John Backlund stand, displaying some classy retro- looking designs that clearly did not follow the standard template.
Established in 2007 in Chatanooga, they told us that John’s design concepts were to have great colours, using chrome as a contrast as well as 2 distinctively contrasting tones.
Let’s look at the 100 series, where the aesthetics are particularly impressive where the main red colour is supplemented with an ivory secondary colour that goes so well with the primary. Have a look at the website and you will see what we mean.
The tone contrast is brought about by the Seymour Duncan bridge pick up and a Vintage Vibe on the neck. With the beautifully crafted body and neck, this is one guitar that can give you beautiful melodic, smooth jazz and blues tones, and with one quick pick up change instantly provide a rasping full-bodied rock sound of a Les Paul or Ibanez. You can even extract some great “twang” out of it as well.
It is available in various types of wood and has a Rickenbacker look to it, but with a more futuristic vibe. The attention to detail is awesome by not going too over the top but still giving you an axe to die for.
The same can be said for all the series (200, 400 and 800). The 200 series being a cooler looking version of a telecaster, the 400 series – J Backlund Guitars flagship model – something very futuristic (but with a retro ambience) and the 800 series, a design that we could see catching on really fast as it seems to combine many a shape to reveal something really different………but coooooooool.
Joe Walsh uses one, so it looks like the guys are doing something right that will have real longevity and even more creativity to impart on guitarists everywhere.
We really like these axes.
More details right here: